Since time immemorial we have tried to understand ourselves and our world. From the most primitive means and rituals to our present highly complex scientific and technological means and processes in the pervasive context of private, organized and institutionalized belief.
Belief and knowledge, unbelief and ignorance were and are in constant competition to determine what is and what should be, what is not and what should not be.
2 very influential philosophers, Kant and Wittgenstein, each took a very similar stance on these antagonisms:
"I had therefore to abolish knowledge in order to make room for faith." Immanuel Kant. (1724 - 1804)
"What one cannot speak about, one must be silent about." Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

I have always wondered how determined attitudes ( negative as well as positive ) are taken when someone speaks freely about his faith or knowledge. With knowledge, the determination of truth and fact is a methodical and repeatable one. What is considered true according to accepted knowledge is included in the canon and disseminated for further scientific research and technological development.
Social belief establishes itself canonized in great books such as Bibles and Quran, in scriptures and traditions of all times, which form the foundations of all world religions and faith communities. Places and zones with many rules are conceived and created. Pyramids, Machu Picchu, Stone Henge, the Vatican...
What does all this mean for me?
I could never subscribe to an orthodox attitude. Too narrow, too banal, too consensual, too convincing, too raucous, too noisy, too colorless, too nebulous, too insane, too uninspiring, too little intimate, too little private.

Healing powers of colors, healing powers of matter, healing powers of the cosmos: all no questionable paths for me.


My magnetic Jewelry's magnetism interacts by induction with Earth's natural magnetism to supercharge crystals and gems natural frequencies & vibrations. Simply by wearing & moving the jewelry, all crystals and gems are supercharged by magnetic induction. The most easiest way to have empowered crystals and gems for your spiritual protection and healing.


My magnet Jewelry's average magnetic energy is induced with 50-130 μT ( microtesla ), which is twice the Earth's surface magnetism 25 to 65 μT ( microtesla ).


Creating and experiencing beauty is surely one of my most intimate and precious ways that I can share with everyone.

Enjoy and have a better and healthier life!



A little story:

I was invited during a Tahitian cultured pearl auction to a private demonstration of selected pearls. In front of me was a large bag containing hundreds of multicolored Tahitian Baroque pearls. As I opened the bag and gently spread the pearls in front of me on the soft cloth, I was overcome by a piercing energetic wave of intensity that I can only understand as pure life energy. I was there, at the right moment, thanks to the pearls.
I deeply believe that all matter has frequencies and therefore vibrations and resonances.

I cannot explain enough anything, only create, share and show. As free, open-minded and peaceful as possible and mostly silent.